Friday, August 6, 2010

Nothing Left

There is nothing left to give, and you would have thought I'd learn my lesson. You get no points in love or war for good intentions. There is nothing left but the wreckage.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

My vessel My wings

I have let it become a part of me, putting it of, more like waiting to see. One more dream, or song to sing, its always something that distracts me, puts it off for just one more thing. I have learned to unleash myself, discover my free. My high, my speed. Isn't this life such beautiful thing, as soon as you uncover the things, that make you so different that makes your soul sing. A blessing indeed, your reflection you see, is the beauty created out of the parents you need. Joy&Eric E.ZE. And this is my free write , shall it perish the unreal things, that try to lurk in and out of my dreams. May I always rest in peace. This is just a addressing of me.

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The likes of you...

In some ways, sticking throught the hard times makes you a more dynamic person, in some ways when you want someone to talk to you calmly, the moments that they yell make you learn how to not take it to heart. Difficult people exsist eveywhere in this world, learning how to look past them is a beautiful art. Matering this art sometimes takes a lifetime. The best lesson i've learned is to recognize that the habitual ways of someones character are simply that "their way".. and think through the feelings that are created in encountering them and then just deal with it. If you allow yourself to anger easily over the repeated behavior then in essence you are just as guilty as the repeat offender.